Ottawa Psychological Services...Have Questions? Contact Us: (613) 321-0642 or [email protected]Our People

Turning Corners Psychological Services - A Child, Youth, Parent, Family and Adult Practice

Having OPTIONS is critical to obtaining the services you need, when you need them. At TCPS we are happy to offer DAYTIME, EVENING, and WEEKEND appointments. Also, the majority of our providers are available for IN-PERSON meetings; while continuing to offer VIRTUAL session options.

Turning Corners is Turning a Corner

For 14 years Turning Corners has resided at our Thurston Drive address and now we are Turning a corner, literally and figuratively. As of March 1st, 2025 Turning Corners will be moving to 2255 St Laurent Blvd (around the corner). Details to follow.

NEW VIDEO: Competing With Technology: How to get your kids back.

In a video made possible by Bell Let's Talk, CHEO's Dr. Gottheil shares his insights about the various challenges that parents face when coming up against the many perks offered to our children, by technology. This video is the first in a series of videos addressing this topic, with other videos currently in development.

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Our Team

Dr. Neil Gottheil, C.Psych.
Sandra Romaniuk, MSW, RSW

Leslie Chapman

Self-referrals and Provider referrals welcomed.

Our People

Our Commitment

At Turning Corners we endeavor to foster a culture of courtesy, respect and communication, where clients can feel safe. We strive to understand, respect and respond to clients in the context of their families, communities, cultures and individual differences. We provide quality care, adapt our approaches to fit with our clients, maintain confidentiality and believe […]

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